
Mercury in Scorpio Inconjunct Mars in Aries

Stay on-track. Don't get distracted from making progress.

“When you’re moving intently towards your goals keep the blinders on. This is not the time to be distracted. Focus on doing what you’re doing.

Don’t make changes right now if you don’t have to. Don’t re-think how to do things better. Use your energy to make progress as you have been. There are other times to figure out better ways and more efficient approaches. Right now, go on auto-pilot and use your energy as best you can without changing course.

Record new ideas you have so they’re not lost, but then shelve them for a couple days. If people want to talk about their new ideas defer them if you can. If you need to talk to people about changes, do so with patience and tolerance… and take the earliest opportunity to defer deep discussions.”


Sun in Sagittarius (from Scorpio)

The silver lining in even the darkest of clouds shines a little more brightly…

“Say yes to opportunities that come your way. Be open to trying new things and you never know what benefits may result!

Learn about other cultures and other viewpoints. Open your mind and take in some of the amazing things out there in the world that you haven’t yet been exposed to. Understanding different perspectives makes us stronger.

Embrace the fun in everything you’re doing! The silver linings of even the darkest of clouds shine a little more brightly — watch for them! And help others see them too.

Pick up a new skill! Start learning how to do something you’ve always had an interest in but never pursued. Learning now will come easier and be more enjoyable.”


Venus Enters Scorpio (from Libra)

Be ready for surging emotions just beneath the surface.

“You will have a tendency to fall in love with something intensely. You’ll see a piece of art that really speaks to you and you must have it! Or you’ll see a new home decor idea that will just be perfect for your place. Similarly, you may see someone who ticks all the boxes and go head over heels for a bit. This could be a romance or perhaps a new or rekindled, close friendship.

Your feelings tend to be amplified right now. They are also quite changeable. If you’re happy, you’re really happy and if you’re sad… well, you’re more likely to feel angry at whatever or whoever did something that might normally make you feel sad.

There will be a lot of ups and downs but most of this turmoil will go unseen. Unless things are really serious, you’ll be able to keep your composure.”


Mercury in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Retrograde in Pisces

Set a plan fro accomplishing the goals you most desire to achieve.

“You can see which of your dreams and goals will really bring you what you desire. Not every goal is worth following through on. You only have so many hours in a day and only so much energy to apply towards accomplishing things. You have to make choices about what goals are just generally good for you versus ones that lead to something you really want to have in your life.

Trying to do too much leads to frustration, dispersed efforts, and little to no benefits as a result. This is the time to align your dreams and goals with your desires, and set up a plan to accomplish the ones that mean the most to you.”


Sun in Scorpio Sextile Saturn in Capricorn

Horoscope:  Pull the weeds from your life's garden so you have room to grow.

“You know the people in your life that lift you up. The ones that make you become a better version of yourself and make positive changes. You also know the ones who don’t. Where you can, make changes to keep only those who are positive influences in your life and cut the others.

This can be hard as you are likely cutting ties that you’re used to — even if they’re not good for you. Be brave enough to choose the people and things that really make you better over those that just make you feel better. Pull the weeds from your life’s garden so you can get the sunshine, air, water, and space you need to grow.”


Venus in Libra Square Saturn in Capricorn

Discover ways to make your relationships work better for everyone.

“If you’re in a romantic relationship, take a good look at where things are working and where they’re not. Is there commitment from both people? Will it last? It’s a good time to figure out if you need to invest further, possibly with some adjustments to make things better emotionally, or if it’s time to make larger changes.

For close friends, look at how you interact and what you both do. Are those things bringing you closer together? If not, spend some time talking about ideas that could bring more fun, help, and closeness to your friendship.

In your household, look at the house rules and how they’re affecting the way everyone feels about their home and each other. Are the rules bringing everyone a sense of comfort, safety, and a loving environment? Rules and systems are rarely picked as the reason for a happy home, but they contribute more than most family members realize. Take a look at yours and see how they’re affecting the family’s emotional relationships. Too strict and people don’t feel loved and valued. Too loose and they don’t learn how to interact well with others or self-regulate. What changes do you see as being helpful for your family?”


New Moon in Scorpio

Let your desires and powerful emotions guide you to begin something wonderful.

“This is a great time to start something new. Something that you’re passionate about and leads to the things you desire. You have the motivation and energy to succeed but you need to figure out where you can best apply your efforts. Look to what you enjoy and what you could happily spend time doing. If it directly helps other people then so much the better.

You’re not in the lime-light with this exploration. It’s more internal and about you figuring out where and what you’re going to do that will bring you joy and success. Approach this with action and energy though… get started! Just maybe don’t shout it from the rooftops yet.

Your emotions are intense. Changeable too, but not in a bad way. Perhaps a little more “honest” than you normally expose. Be a little cautious when dealing with people you don’t want to upset. Try to dial it back a bit if they look a little shocked at your responses. Stick to who you are though! This is a time of new beginnings. You’re ready to go and you’re not interested in letting others slow you down. Still, if you can do what you’re going to do without upsetting people that’s better for everyone.”


Mars Direct in Aries

It's time to take action!

“Where before there was hesitation, you can now move forward. Where you were frustrated or angry at yourself, you can find release. Where it seemed impossible to actually accomplish anything, now is the time for progress.

Your desire to re-visit things you’ve justifiably left behind can be let go; let them stay in the past. Don’t carry your past with you while trying to make your new future. Just bring forward valuable lessons and joyful memories. They’ll help you and motivate you without weighing you down.

You have places to go. Things to do. It’s time to take action. Your motivation to make progress is back in gear. There’s no competition you’re not willing to face. Go for it!”


Venus in Libra Square Pluto in Capricorn

Look at better ways to accomplish things together.

“This is a good time to evaluate and discuss how things are done in your household. Look at the division of responsibilities, chore assignments, and the way things are handled. Have there been changes recently? If so, how have they worked out?

When dinners are made, events are planned, yards are cleaned, etc. is everyone being treated fairly or should there be changes made? The goal is to build a stronger relationship by having systems, schedules, and assignments that ensure everyone is treated well and doing their part.”


Venus in Libra Square Jupiter in Capricorn

Generosity, caring, and support needs to flow in both directions.

“Review how you’ve been treated by those you provide any kind of help or support to. Are you being treated fairly?

At work, are you receiving the expected benefits from the investment of time, help, and support you’ve been giving others? Not so much the financial side of things, though that’s obviously important as well, but mainly how you’re treated. Are people grateful? Are they helpful and supportive in return?

In your personal life, who helps you when you need it? Who asks for too much? Are there people who are a draining force without appreciating what you’re doing for them? Are there people you need to express more gratitude to, or perhaps find a way to help in return?

It’s not easy to take a practical look at emotional and complex relationships, but on the whole, you should know who you feel is on your team, whether they’re a key player or an occasional stand-in when something comes up.

Things don’t always have to be in perfect balance, but it’s not right for generosity, caring, and support to be one-sided for too long.”