
Jupiter in Capricorn Conjunct Saturn in Capricorn

Big-picture time:  start finding ways to create more success.

“Start thinking about some new ways to get things done more efficiently. This isn’t the time for coloring outside the lines, or breaking rules… just coming up with a better way to do things. You don’t have things all figured out yet and that’s okay. You’re discovering the core parts of a new solution to make the things you’re trying to do more effective.

Small-scale problems aren’t really the focus here, though there are still benefits to be had. Think about how you can better structure your morning routine, or find a more efficient way to keep the household in a pleasant state.

Larger-scale problems are the focus of this time, such as how you can be more effective at accomplishing and progressing in your job, creating systems for better educating and guiding your children to be successful, and figuring out a plan for meeting your life’s goals — as well as a way to track and manage it.

It’s a tall order. It’s a lot of effort. But it’s for your direct benefit and you have the help to focus on getting started. It’s not about getting everything figured out. It’s about starting to.

Note:  This begins a conjunction that moves into Aquarius where it hits full strength in late December. We’ll talk more about how this will change as that time gets closer, but it works well with what you can start now as the conjunction begins.”