
Venus in Libra Square Jupiter in Capricorn

Generosity, caring, and support needs to flow in both directions.

“Review how you’ve been treated by those you provide any kind of help or support to. Are you being treated fairly?

At work, are you receiving the expected benefits from the investment of time, help, and support you’ve been giving others? Not so much the financial side of things, though that’s obviously important as well, but mainly how you’re treated. Are people grateful? Are they helpful and supportive in return?

In your personal life, who helps you when you need it? Who asks for too much? Are there people who are a draining force without appreciating what you’re doing for them? Are there people you need to express more gratitude to, or perhaps find a way to help in return?

It’s not easy to take a practical look at emotional and complex relationships, but on the whole, you should know who you feel is on your team, whether they’re a key player or an occasional stand-in when something comes up.

Things don’t always have to be in perfect balance, but it’s not right for generosity, caring, and support to be one-sided for too long.”


Sun in Scorpio Sextile Pluto in Capricorn

You grow from both success and failure.

“You’re able to see recent events involving your productivity and work-related interactions clearly. If there was anything less than perfect, know that now is not the time to take on any baggage. 

See what worked, think about what you’ve learned, and throw away any guilt, fear, or lowered self-confidence. You know more now than you did before. Use that instead of allowing anything to weigh you down.

Look at the “unwritten rules” governing your workplace and consider whether they really need to be followed — are things done that way for a good reason? Do they help or hinder you? Where possible, change what you can to make things better for you, so long as it doesn’t hurt others unfairly. Sometimes people all conform to certain behaviors just because that is the way things have always been. 

Maybe there are good reasons things are done that way, even if everyone has forgotten what they are. Or perhaps there’s a benefit to doing things differently. What do you think? Maybe it’s time to take a second look at things that don’t seem right.”


Mercury Enters Scorpio (From Libra)

Powerful communications and a focused mind on attaining your goals.

“Your thoughts are more focused on obtaining what you desire. You will find it easier to figure out what you need to do to make this happen and your ability to focus on doing so is increased. Use this focus and insight to achieve your goals! It’s a gift, but don’t alienate those close to you during your intense efforts.

You can present ideas well and write with purpose. You can zero in on just what needs to be said to express yourself clearly. Focus on slowing it down a bit though as you may come across a bit more powerfully than you intend.

When negotiating, your focus on what you want makes you less likely to be distracted or tricked by others who are negotiating in bad faith.

Don’t assume everyone shares your goals or even knows what your goals are. Where it matters, remember to explain before you try to convince.”


Venus in Libra Inconjunct Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

Learn about the people in your life by looking at what influences them.

“You can see how society and culture are affected by a healthy sharing of spirituality, beliefs, and viewpoints. Understanding other people’s beliefs, and the impact they have on their lives, helps you to understand them.

You can more clearly see the influences that push, pull, shame, and encourage behavior in the people around you. You see how they’re affected by the media, peer pressure, cultural history, and artistic expression. Use this as an opportunity to learn more about your community, your culture, and the people that make up your world.

Looking at these influences may lead you to discover a way to help those who could benefit from your future time and efforts.”


Sun in Scorpio Sextile Jupiter in Capricorn

Stop doing things that aren't helping you achieve the success you desire.

“Look at your current working situation. You know what has worked and what hasn’t. You know what is bringing you closer to what you desire from your efforts and what is distracting you from achieving your goals. Make course corrections to your career or job path that will be most likely to bring you more of what you’re wanting out of your time and efforts.

Think of it like weeding a garden. You only want to spend time caring for and growing the things you want more of. If you leave the weeds there, they’ll grow too, and you’ll have fewer and less healthy flowers or vegetables as a result.

Learn from your experience and apply it to clear out what isn’t working so your efforts can grow into a fulfillment of your desires.”


Jupiter in Capricorn Conjunct Saturn in Capricorn

Big-picture time:  start finding ways to create more success.

“Start thinking about some new ways to get things done more efficiently. This isn’t the time for coloring outside the lines, or breaking rules… just coming up with a better way to do things. You don’t have things all figured out yet and that’s okay. You’re discovering the core parts of a new solution to make the things you’re trying to do more effective.

Small-scale problems aren’t really the focus here, though there are still benefits to be had. Think about how you can better structure your morning routine, or find a more efficient way to keep the household in a pleasant state.

Larger-scale problems are the focus of this time, such as how you can be more effective at accomplishing and progressing in your job, creating systems for better educating and guiding your children to be successful, and figuring out a plan for meeting your life’s goals — as well as a way to track and manage it.

It’s a tall order. It’s a lot of effort. But it’s for your direct benefit and you have the help to focus on getting started. It’s not about getting everything figured out. It’s about starting to.

Note:  This begins a conjunction that moves into Aquarius where it hits full strength in late December. We’ll talk more about how this will change as that time gets closer, but it works well with what you can start now as the conjunction begins.”


Venus in Libra Opposite Mars Retrograde in Aries

Spend comfortable time with people you know.

“This is an excellent time for socializing with people you know, even if that happens in a virtual gathering. Don’t focus on meeting new people right now.

Reconnect with good friends you may have lost touch with. Keep these conversations light and friendly. No commitments to jump back into past habits or activities — especially if they’re past romantic partners — just cruise and enjoy talking with people who know you well.

Browse for a new look! Whether for you with a new hairstyle or nail design, or for your home with some new decor ideas or garden plans, enjoy finding something that makes your world a little more “you”. But don’t stress over actually deciding to purchase anything or have any major change done. If it comes easily do it, but if not just enjoy the experience and know that it will help you decide when you feel the need to make a change later on.

As much as this is a good time to be with people, you are also a bit prone to occasionally feeling frustrated with them and the way you interact. Do your best to pause when you feel that frustration building. Things will tend to balance out more quickly than usual right now, so if it gets to be too much just take a break from their company for a bit. Know that in the near future you’ll have the energy and drive to make changes to help everyone work better together.”


Sun in Scorpio Trine Neptune Retrograde in Pisces

“This is a powerful time for continuing your practices of spiritual ritual, yoga, meditation, tai chi, or any other spiritual & physical art for personal growth and fulfillment. You’ll realize benefits from past efforts particularly in these areas.

Keep your focus on manifesting your desires and visualizing your success. Live it. Affirm it. Make it your reality.

Continue your efforts to accomplish your dreams in a practical way. There is more help for you continuing efforts that are already in progress than finding a new approach, but if making a change is the right thing to do, or if you haven’t started yet, go for it!”


Sun in Scorpio Inconjunct Mars Retrograde in Aries

Clarify both what you desire and your plans for obtaining it.

“Things can feel intense right now. You have strong desires but there’s self doubt and frustration about not acting on them. As tough as it is, know that this is okay — for now.

Look at what’s been done so far, look at what you desire, and consider your plan of action for making it happen.

Perhaps you feel unsure about it. Perhaps, as much as you want the results, you’re having trouble mustering the energy to take the actions needed. Know that the doubt and resistance to taking action will dissolve in the near future.

Use this time to make sure that you’re really clear on what you desire, then ensure that what you plan to do is on target for getting you there. Clarify your plan and prepare.”


Mercury Direct in Libra

Negotiate for everyone's benefit.

“When Mercury was retrograde in Libra it was time to evaluate the deals and arrangements you had with people — to evaluate what has been working for you and everyone involved. If you didn’t have a chance to do this, try to find some time now.

It’s a good time to start acting on any changes to deals and arrangements you identified as desirable. Talk to people. Find out what they think. Negotiate. Find a way for everyone to benefit.

You have your communication skills back and will come across as more put-together now than last week.”